Sunday, October 28, 2012

Saved at sea in the Gulf of Mexico

In respect of a request from the mother in this testimony that it not be shared further I have deleted it from my blog.  If you would like further information please feel free to contact me directly, Rick Stewart


  1. Wow. I hope this story let's others know that God is all powerful in our lives.

    1. Absolutely KOK!! I shared this with my Sunday School class last Sunday since we were talking about Jonah. The class happened to be my three kids, from 13 - 4. My oldest read it outloud. Alma, my four year old, loved it. It is beauty and very true. I have taken the full acount down from my blog just because the mother in the testimony asked that it not be shared further. It is holy. I hope they feel comfortable in sharing it more widely in the future. Thanks for your comments and best wishes, Rick
